Saturday, June 23, 2012

Newer News

If you couldn't tell, my writing energies have been funneled into sermons and liturgy lately.  This occasion for writing has been a stretch and challenge for me- as now I have a very specific context for writing liturgy and sermons- and I'm not sure others would follow what I am writing.  Therefore, I am not brave enough to post anything here.  One day, when I am in a different place, I'll read over my material again with fresh eyes and see if there's anything useful about it for any of you, dear readers.

With summer has come eating out of the garden again.  Fresh fruit, organic veggies from the CSA, fresh-baked breads on Sabbath- I love eating this time of year.  This year, I am helping maintain a communal garden.  This year also happens to be rather dry.  There's lots of rain dancing and hardly much success.  The rare rainy nights seem like small miracles.

Again, I hear a call from God to dwell with the outcasts and strangers.  I still don't know what this looks like or where to begin.  I see glimpses, but when I chase after them they disappear.  Part of me wonders if I will look back at this time of my life and think that I was quite blind to all the signs.  Blindness is hardly a condition one can overcome alone.  Rural life is very isolating, but then again so is living in the middle of a big city.  I will just wait and see what happens.  I'm not sure what this time is supposed to be about.  Patience?