Sunday, July 31, 2011

debt-ceiling news coverage

Reading the play-by-play news on CNN about the debt ceiling is a little like getting to the end of a B-movie involving an American (good-guy), a Soviet Russian (bad-guy), and a bomb.  We all knew back at 20 minutes that the bomb would be down to 4 seconds, 2 seconds, a half-second, before the good guy manages to cut the red wire (or is it the blue wire?) and averts the disaster....because that makes for intense movies, right?  But in this analogy, I'm finding out that the traincar/bus/whatever housing the bomb is actually the US economy, and the good guy has voices in his head saying, "maybe if we let the bomb go off, it won't be so bad!"

Or maybe the media is playing this whole thing up too much as a B-movie and less channel.  And why is the Soviet Russian always the bad-guy in these B-movies?  I preferred Despicable Me, where the Russian villain (Steve Carell) turns out to be the hero.

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