Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More guns?

This captures nicely the "gun debate" going on in many churches right now:

(CNN) – One of the most intense battlefields in today's gun control debate is happening inside Christianity.
Christians of every stripe; conservative, moderate and liberal tend to agree with the Gospel's message of love and peace. However, they don’t agree on what that Gospel message means.
[:43] “Christian Ethics begins with love of neighbor; love and care of neighbor...We live in a country in which we have 10 or 20 times more gun murders than other comparable countries. It seems guns are a huge factor.”  – David Heim, executive editor of Christian Century Magazine.
[1:28] “When the next monster walks into a theater, mall, restaurant, college campus or grade school and begins to shoot and kill innocent men, women and children…who’s going to shoot back?” – Mark Rogers, founder of

This is one of the many reasons I do not own or carry a gun, even though I have done so before and have experience with guns.  When someone starts shooting into the crowd, and you pull out your gun to take down the shooter, I will have a gun in my hand too, but I will have no idea if you are the shooter, or a collaborative shooter who means to keep firing on the crowd.  I will shoot you, because I won't have time to think, and I could very well kill you.  Then, I will have to explain to the police and your mother why I murdered you, the person who was trying to protect the crowd from the real shooter.

I don't want to have that conversation with your mother.  Or any mother.  Period.  It would kill me.

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