Monday, February 27, 2012

What would you do?

So here is a hypothetical situation for you: you show up to the indoor track at the local gym, and you notice the sign about “track etiquette” posted on the wall.  On odd-numbered days, runners are to run counter-clockwise around the track.  On even-numbered days, runners are to run clockwise around the track.  There is only one other person running at the moment- counter-clockwise.  You quickly remember that today is an even-numbered day, so today is “clockwise” day.  You decide that you will:

A. Kindly but boldly proclaim to the man that he’s running the wrong way, thus setting him straight and keeping you from having to make the same horrid mistake to avoid a head-on collision.
B. Don’t say anything, but do the right thing by running clockwise like the sign says.  Head-on collision and strange looks might occur, but you’d rather do the right thing yourself, even if other people don’t care.
C. Run counter-clockwise also, only because it’s not a big deal.  It’s just running around a track.  Chill out already.  Poor etiquette ≠ a warrant for your arrest.
D. Run counter-clockwise because you also don’t care for anyone’s rules; did I mention that you consider yourself a rebel, and would revel in the chance to get arrested by the “track” police?  What a great story!
E. Avoid having to make a decision and go find a treadmill.

How you answer this question may or may not reveal the nature of your character and/or your reasoning skills.

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